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Contact RIC/AFT

For general inquiries, please email us at


Call us: 401.456.8681


Mailing Address: RIC/AFT Local 1819, Rhode Island College,

                             600 Mount Pleasant Avenue

                             Providence, RI 02908


RIC/AFT Leadership

RIC/AFT Officers

President: Mikaila Lemonik Arthur (Sociology)

Vice President: Vince Bohlinger (Film Studies)

Secretary: Jessica Pearson (Music, Theatre and Dance)

Treasurer: Sean Cote (Accounting and CIS)

RIC/AFT Executive Committee

Amelie Allard (Anthropology)

Tommy Ender (Educational Studies/History)

Alison Shonkwiler (English)

Rebecca Sparks (Math/CS)

Julie Urda (Management and Marketing)


 Josh Diem (Social Work), Ex Officio, Chair of Assembly of Departmental Representatives


Committee Chairs


Grievance Committee: Megan Sumeracki

Evaluation Committee: Desiree Ciambrone & Natalie Rogol

Facilities Committee: Anabela Maia

Nominations Committee: Amy Barlow

Human Rights Committee: Elijah Edelman

Finance Committee: Sean Cote

Election Committee: Greg Golden

Member Engagement Committee: Karl Benziger

Program Development Committee: Sam Breene & Medini Padmanabhan


COPE: Vince Bohlinger


Joint Appointment Advisor: Karl Benziger



The RIC/AFT Assembly of Department Representatives meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month during the academic year. Meetings are scheduled for 12:30 to 2:00 and are open to all faculty.


The RIC/AFT Executive Committee meets twice per month during the academic year, usually on the first Friday and the third Wednesday of the month. For information on other committees, contact the committee chair noted above.

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